Earth Day brings to mind vividly a day from the distant past, when the sky seemed bluer and the clouds whiter the air was intoxicatingly fresh, the water in the streams crystal clear. The tall grass was greener with its white toppings of flowers dancing in the breeze. Paddy fields smelt so yummy, mixed with…


sdfsdfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff A combination of rainwater harvesting and treated wastewater can easily provide more than the requirement of the city, says Dr T V Ramachandra. This is a person who knows what he speaks. He has, for the past couple of decades and more, worked extensively and researched on many related areas of energy, urban planning,…

The crystal ball that heals

The stars speak to her. And she counsels the humans to lead a good life Her clients are bowled over by her predictions. Her guidance through challenges is ‘so satisfying’ and just talking to her gives strength, they affirm. Her response is always ‘solution oriented’. No wonder they all refer her to family circle and…