Climate Change – Global Warming

Learn how to address climate change through collective efforts

Blame the heat on the education system

Whether one talks of urban heat islands or global warming, the prime cause is consumption. Unless consumption can be reduced drastically, there is not much hope. Every summer we fume and fret, chasing the mercury daily and comparing notes. This summer too. In Bengaluru, March has notched two degrees higher than ever. What will April…

Bengaluru can have water surplus, says scientist

A combination of rainwater harvesting and treated wastewater can easily provide more than the requirement of the city, says Dr T V Ramachandra. This is a person who knows what he speaks. He has, for the past couple of decades and more, worked extensively and researched on many related areas of energy, urban planning, lakes…

Every drop adds up

Every drop adds up The clothes you wear, the food you eat, and food you waste, the way you travel and the way you build your home, everything has a direct impact on the planet’s climate. Choose to make a change that can help the 8.7 million species on earth. As the planet spirals into…

Where tigers swim and roots stand up

Where tigers swim and roots stand up People in this delta, second only to the Amazonian one, struggle for a living caught between furious storms and a rising sea. The saving grace, mangroves, is fast disappearing. A long-dreamt journey to the Sundarbans ended up, not with sightings of the ‘cunning’ tigers but adventures of another…

Coming soon… the ‘Plastic Man’

Coming soon… the ‘Plastic Man’ What is Environment Day to you? About trees? Pollution? Waste? Or, June 5? Yes it is all of that and also much more. It is about all that goes hand in hand to make life on the planet possible. It is about giving space for everything in the chain of…

How to make Indian cities sustainable

How to make Indian cities sustainable   The South west monsoon of 2023 has not yet arrived and it rained in Bangalore city last week. A young girl was drowned in the flood waters in the heart of the city after water entered the car she was in. Prof Ashish Verma, Convenor, IISC Sustainable Transportation…

Lab in Nature’s lap

Lab in Nature’s lap At Sapna Ranch in Maharashtra, visitors and students learn through activities and happily share their knowledge. A minimalistic, eco-sustainable living focussed on learning is the motto here. The joy of making stuff is unparalleled. Be it a cake or a kaleidoscope, the ‘summit feel’ is heady. Sadly, for the new generation,…

Vanishing Act

Vanishing Act As trees in metros are felled thoughtlessly, the effects are telling The average Bangalorean today is given to complaining on traffic and weather. While traffic woes have become an accepted norm and settled into the framework, the couple of months of sweat and heat are an emerging phenomenon and topic for small talk!…